Vancouver riots like it's 1994

A very sick and disturbing phenomena has taken over our urban settings. Celebrating sports championships and now losses as well have been taken over by ugly mobs of hooligans. They use large public gatherings to willfully destroy public and private property. Everyone is talking about it. Were they organized anarchists? Drunken hockey fans? No one really knows. And no one knows why these mobs decided to rampage but obviously they got some kind of perverse pleasure out it.

This isn't unique to Vancouver. It's happened in Montreal, Detroit and other U.S. cities after sports championships. It happened in Toronto last year during the G20 summit. Remember though millions of citizens do not participate in or condone this behaviour.

The real citizens of Vancouver are only now responding. More than 11,000 Vancouverites have also signed on to an event dubbed Post Riot Clean Up – Lets help Vancouver. A Facebook group, Vancouver Riot Pics: Post your photos, has already been created to share photos that could help police identify looters and vandals. As of Thursday morning, it already has some 20,000 members.

However, the strangest sight had to be this couple (below) embracing
on the street with riot police and mayhem all around.

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