Sex toys are permitted in carry-on luggage

In addition to knowing that you can access your MP3 player or smart phone on a long flight, you can rest assured that your trusty Rabbit Habit or silk wrist sashes can stay within reach on those cross-country treks.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration announced that vibrators are safe to pack in carry-on bags when flying. Also safe are whips, chains, leashes, restraints and manacles.

The TSA also reminds travelers that any item that is “club-like” or objects that are “anatomically correct cylinders of roughly a foot or so in length” are still prohibited. In other words, size matters: Keep it under 7 inches and you should be fine.

There are some other tips, too: Remove the batteries to prevent the vibrator from turning on unexpectedly, make sure you are not traveling to a foreign country that restricts or prohibits sex toys, and make sure any lube is in a container that holds 3 ounces or less.

I got a problem with the policy. What's the point of bringing all these gadgets and hardwear when you are limited to just 3 ounces of lube. What am I supposed to do use saliva?


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