Tombstone falls on woman while having cemetery sex

A woman who may have been engaged in sexual activity in Ahavath Israel Cemetery, Trenton, on Tuesday evening was injured when a tombstone fell on her leg, police said.

The 39-year-old woman was not badly hurt, no criminal investigation of the two was launched after the administration decided not to file a criminal complaint.

The woman was with a male friend in the graveyard off Cedar Lane just before 7 p.m. visiting the grave of a relative. When the two engaged in some “extracurricular activities,” one of the grave markers rolled onto the woman’s leg, Capt. James Stevens said.

The woman was taken by ambulance to Capital Health Regional Medical Center for treatment. Police did not know the extent of her injuries.

This has to be the kinky sex story of the week. But what about all the salacious details? So if a stone falls and her legs and not his that can only mean one thing. She was giving head. You know I can just see the headlines on this one if the stone had done more damage to the two, "man and woman were fucking near dead!"

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