Mom arrested for blocking TSA from frisking girl

An overprotective mom's trip from Nashville to Baltimore took a brief detour to the slammer.

Andrea Fornella Abbott, 41, was arrested at Nashville airport after she went wild on Transportation Security Administration agents for trying to give her daughter a pat down search.

Nashville police said Abbot, from Clarksville, Tenn., shouted and swore at TSA agents, saying she didn't want her young daughter to have her "crotch grabbed."

After Abbott refused to cool her heels - she allegedly attempted to try to shoot video of the agents with her cell phone - cops cuffed her and hauled her off to jail.

Best job in the world for perverts and pedophiles. You get paid a damn good wage to be groping runway models, grannies, children, what ever you're into. They just line up and let you touch their junk. It part of the price you may to get on that plane. What a world!


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