Teacher who vowed not to shave until bin Laden was caught or killed finally shaves

A teacher who vowed nearly 10 years ago not to cut his beard until Osama bin Laden was captured or proven dead said he cried Sunday night upon hearing of the terrorist's death. "I spent my first five minutes crying and then I couldn't get it off fast enough," said Gary Weddle, 50, who lives in East Wenatchee but teaches middle school science in Ephrata. Weddle has wanted to cut his beard for years. His wife, Donita, has wanted him to cut it, too. But for Weddle a vow is a vow and so he hadn't even trimmed it until Sunday night.

Frankly these people are pretty screwed up. Who does he think he is Forrest Gump? What school would want a teacher that looked like Rip van Winkle?

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